A hedgehog rescue story
For the last 4 days, I have been caring for an elderly hedgehog, who was wandering around on our land during daytime.
This is an obvious sign of sickness as they are nocturnal animals. I sensed he was asking for help as he had stopped and was looking at me. I spotted many fly eggs on the sides of his belly hair, which is the worse case scenario, indicating the animal is approaching death.
After examination, I realized he already had hundreds of horrible maggots and not just fly eggs. These horrible creatures had already caused holes on parts of his skin and I was clearing them over two days for hours.
Unfortunately, hedgehogs are probably the most difficult to assist, especially under their abdomen, as they instinctively turn into a ball of spines and it takes a lot of patience, time and effort to gain some kind of trust, which allows partial access.
I used vegetable oil with diatomaceous earth and calcium bentonite to cover his body and treat his skin parasitic condition, which creates hard stony growths and to kill any of the maggots or eggs, which I could have missed because I had no full access. I also discovered from the blood on his back leg and lack of mobility that he could have been injured in a fight with another male. I also used colloidal silver to treat the open and obviously infected areas of his skin, eaten by these demonic creatures. From the oozing and strong smell, I was not very optimistic as this indicates that the infection has already spread and it is in my experience very unlikely for an older hedgehog to overcome such an extensive damage and infection.
I would never refuse care, time, effort or resources, even when I know it is only a matter of a few days.
I could not imagine anything more cruel than allowing an animal to die a slow, horrible and painful death, eaten alive by countless maggots! It was in New Zealand that I saw for the first time what these beasts can do to even healthy sheep, which are easier to spray and clean but this is dangerous and impossible to do on hedgehogs.
I remember contemplating that no real benign Creator would have ever designed or allowed the existence of something so disgusting, horrible and completely unnatural, as the animals eaten by them, are alive and not always sick or unhealthy.
I also thought that these are probably abundant and perhaps the species occupying lower dimensions. I could even see the entities or trapped humans there, using them as a food source or even pets!
It is probably the worst thing I had to do as an animal rescuer and although I treat with respect all life forms, I have to say that I could not see these maggots with eyes of compassion. I do not actively kill them or squash them but they were thrown in bags and into the rubbish bin to die in due time.
I had no real hate for them either and my compassion for the suffering of the infected animal was powerful enough to make me overcome any feelings of disgust or fear. I even smiled thinking that when someone has a heart, he will always find a way to be of service and assistance even in the lower Hell dimensions of our Universe.
I even said to my terrified friend, who does not even want to look at any crawlies, that even in Hell, I will find a way to relieve suffering and heal other beings.
The hedgehog seemed clearly happier without all these maggots, but it was obvious that he had no appetite for any food, soft porridge with fresh fruit or different types of dry cat food, their normal daily food, which I place outside for all wildlife every night.
Last evening, I managed to feed him by syringe initially some kitten milk and water with homeopathic remedies for pain, injury and inflammation (Arnica, Ruta grav., Hypericum) and he later finished off the milk from the small bowl on his own (as per photo). I had no big hopes, as all the signs were indicating that he had no chances of recovery but I was so happy to see his trust and enjoyment of this last liquid dinner.
I am not sure if this was his own way to express his gratitude and say his farewell to the strange mother figure, who cared for him during his ordeal, allowing him to have a peaceful passing to a better and kinder place.
I tucked him in his fleece blanket above his hot water bottle to help him maintain the temperature of his weak body and he passed away sometime during the night in exactly the same position.
I will bury my little friend in the cat cemetery of our land, under the eucalyptus trees tomorrow.
May the Higher Realms and Beings of compassion, welcome him in their beautiful wild fields and spare him of any similar experience or suffering in the future.